What Is The Demographic Composition Of Japan?


Table 1 shows the population of Japan in each of the five age groups as of October 1, 2020.

In terms of total population, the most populous age group is the 45-49 age group with 9,650,293 persons, or 7.7% of the total population.

The so-called working-age population between the ages of 15 and 64 is 72,922,764, or 57.8% of the total population.

Table 2 and Table 3 show the population by 5-year age groups for men and women, respectively.

For men, the most populous age group is the 45-49 age group with 4,862,990 persons, accounting for 7.9% of the total male population, while for women, the most populous age group is the same as for men, 45-49 with 4,787,303, accounting for 7.4% of the total female population.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the population pyramid of the total Japanese population, while Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the population pyramid of the Japanese population only.

These figures alone confirm Japan’s declining population trend and rising old-age population ratio.


Since there are people of unknown nationality, subtracting the Japanese population from the total population does not result in a foreign nationality population.

Composition ratio(%)
Age Total Japanese Total Japanese
1 Total 126,146,099 121,541,155 100.0 100.0
2 0--4 years old 4,516,082 4,424,105 3.6 3.6
3 5--9 years old 5,089,093 5,003,731 4.0 4.1
4 10--14 years old 5,350,517 5,280,076 4.2 4.3
5 15--19 years old 5,617,440 5,529,345 4.5 4.5
6 20--24 years old 5,931,306 5,592,715 4.7 4.6
7 25--29 years old 6,031,964 5,667,309 4.8 4.7
8 30--34 years old 6,484,594 6,179,323 5.1 5.1
9 35--39 years old 7,311,567 7,069,081 5.8 5.8
10 40--44 years old 8,291,077 8,093,834 6.6 6.7
11 45--49 years old 9,650,293 9,476,480 7.7 7.8
12 50--54 years old 8,539,851 8,385,191 6.8 6.9
13 55--59 years old 7,767,482 7,648,608 6.2 6.3
14 60--64 years old 7,297,190 7,215,153 5.8 5.9
15 65--69 years old 8,075,268 8,014,003 6.4 6.6
16 70--74 years old 9,011,795 8,965,680 7.1 7.4
17 75--79 years old 6,930,928 6,898,696 5.5 5.7
18 80--84 years old 5,296,728 5,275,289 4.2 4.3
19 85--89 years old 3,669,823 3,657,911 2.9 3.0
20 90--94 years old 1,779,016 1,773,894 1.4 1.5
21 95--99 years old 492,724 491,488 0.4 0.4
22 100--104 years old 73,008 72,833 0.1 0.1
23 105--109 years old 6,374 6,353 0.0 0.0
24 110 years old and over 141 141 0.0 0.0
25 Age not reported 2,931,838 819,916 2.3 0.7
26 Under 15 years old 14,955,692 14,707,912 11.9 12.1
27 15--64 years old 72,922,764 70,857,039 57.8 58.3
28 65 years old and over 35,335,805 35,156,288 28.0 28.9
29 75 years old and over 18,248,742 18,176,605 14.5 15.0
30 85 years old and over 6,021,086 6,002,620 4.8 4.9
31 100 years old and over 79,523 79,327 0.1 0.1
32 20--69 years old 75,380,592 73,341,697 59.8 60.3
Table 1: Population of Japan by 5-year age group
Composition ratio(%)
Age Total Japanese Total Japanese
1 Total 61,349,581 59,075,539 100.0 100.0
2 0--4 years old 2,311,189 2,264,145 3.8 3.8
3 5--9 years old 2,606,651 2,562,581 4.2 4.3
4 10--14 years old 2,742,131 2,705,865 4.5 4.6
5 15--19 years old 2,880,029 2,835,255 4.7 4.8
6 20--24 years old 3,017,869 2,838,832 4.9 4.8
7 25--29 years old 3,074,087 2,875,451 5.0 4.9
8 30--34 years old 3,297,031 3,138,230 5.4 5.3
9 35--39 years old 3,696,855 3,583,229 6.0 6.1
10 40--44 years old 4,189,446 4,104,771 6.8 6.9
11 45--49 years old 4,862,990 4,792,505 7.9 8.1
12 50--54 years old 4,277,003 4,217,400 7.0 7.1
13 55--59 years old 3,865,303 3,817,458 6.3 6.5
14 60--64 years old 3,592,903 3,558,734 5.9 6.0
15 65--69 years old 3,910,060 3,883,159 6.4 6.6
16 70--74 years old 4,249,286 4,228,188 6.9 7.2
17 75--79 years old 3,092,860 3,079,388 5.0 5.2
18 80--84 years old 2,196,093 2,187,890 3.6 3.7
19 85--89 years old 1,303,473 1,299,513 2.1 2.2
20 90--94 years old 491,303 489,648 0.8 0.8
21 95--99 years old 92,110 91,813 0.2 0.2
22 100--104 years old 9,051 9,012 0.0 0.0
23 105--109 years old 714 706 0.0 0.0
24 110 years old and over 1 1 0.0 0.0
25 Age not reported 1,591,143 511,765 2.6 0.9
26 Under 15 years old 7,659,971 7,532,591 12.5 12.8
27 15--64 years old 36,753,516 35,761,865 59.9 60.5
28 65 years old and over 15,344,951 15,269,318 25.0 25.8
29 75 years old and over 7,185,605 7,157,971 11.7 12.1
30 85 years old and over 1,896,652 1,890,693 3.1 3.2
31 100 years old and over 9,766 9,719 0.0 0.0
32 20--69 years old 37,783,547 36,809,769 61.6 62.3
Table 2: Population of Japan by 5-year age group(Male)
Composition ratio(%)
Age Total Japanese Total Japanese
1 Total 64,796,518 62,465,616 100.0 100.0
2 0--4 years old 2,204,893 2,159,960 3.4 3.5
3 5--9 years old 2,482,442 2,441,150 3.8 3.9
4 10--14 years old 2,608,386 2,574,211 4.0 4.1
5 15--19 years old 2,737,411 2,694,090 4.2 4.3
6 20--24 years old 2,913,437 2,753,883 4.5 4.4
7 25--29 years old 2,957,877 2,791,858 4.6 4.5
8 30--34 years old 3,187,563 3,041,093 4.9 4.9
9 35--39 years old 3,614,712 3,485,852 5.6 5.6
10 40--44 years old 4,101,631 3,989,063 6.3 6.4
11 45--49 years old 4,787,303 4,683,975 7.4 7.5
12 50--54 years old 4,262,848 4,167,791 6.6 6.7
13 55--59 years old 3,902,179 3,831,150 6.0 6.1
14 60--64 years old 3,704,287 3,656,419 5.7 5.9
15 65--69 years old 4,165,208 4,130,844 6.4 6.6
16 70--74 years old 4,762,509 4,737,492 7.3 7.6
17 75--79 years old 3,838,068 3,819,308 5.9 6.1
18 80--84 years old 3,100,635 3,087,399 4.8 4.9
19 85--89 years old 2,366,350 2,358,398 3.7 3.8
20 90--94 years old 1,287,713 1,284,246 2.0 2.1
21 95--99 years old 400,614 399,675 0.6 0.6
22 100--104 years old 63,957 63,821 0.1 0.1
23 105--109 years old 5,660 5,647 0.0 0.0
24 110 years old and over 140 140 0.0 0.0
25 Age not reported 1,340,695 308,151 2.1 0.5
26 Under 15 years old 7,295,721 7,175,321 11.3 11.5
27 15--64 years old 36,169,248 35,095,174 55.8 56.2
28 65 years old and over 19,990,854 19,886,970 30.9 31.8
29 75 years old and over 11,063,137 11,018,634 17.1 17.6
30 85 years old and over 4,124,434 4,111,927 6.4 6.6
31 100 years old and over 69,757 69,608 0.1 0.1
32 20--69 years old 37,597,045 36,531,928 58.0 58.5
Table 3: Population of Japan by 5-year age group(Female)
Figure 1: Demographic pyramid of Japan(Population of all nationality,1000 people)
Figure 2: Demographic pyramid of Japan(Population of all nationality,Recount,1000 people)
Figure 3: Demographic pyramid of Japan(Population of Japanese olny,1000 people)
Figure 4: Demographic pyramid of Japan(Population of Japanese olny,Recount,1000 people)


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